Bio-Degradable Fabrics!

                                           Bio-Degradable Fabrics!

Biodegradable Substance :

 Biodegradable Substance means a substance that is easily and naturally degraded by microorganisms. A fabric's biodegradability  is primarily determined by the amount of chemicals used in the fabric's life cycle. The more chemicals you use, the longer it takes for a substance to biodegrade and ultimately the more damage it does to the environment. , and there are different types  based on their environmental impact.

Cotton made from plants that are not  genetically modified or grown with chemicals, pesticides or  synthetic substances. Organic cotton typically takes 1-5 months to fully biodegrade  and is considered healthy and environmentally friendly. This substance is great for the environment, primarily because it  helps maintain soil fertility and reduce the use of toxic and stubborn pesticides and fertilizers.


Hemp: Naturally occurring hemp is hand cut, stripped  from the hemp plant and processed into yarn. Hemp fibers soften naturally  over time and  the fabric is easily biodegradable. Since it is derived from plants, it is very safe for the environment as it does not cause  pollution when dissolved in the environment.


Wool: Made from livestock such as sheep and goats, this material is easy to work with and requires fewer steps to create the finished product. This fabric has been at the forefront of the textile industry for many years and is biodegradable unless treated with chemicals. Due to its high nitrogen content, wool biodegrades within a year of disposal.


A completely natural fabric made from silkworms that spin and turn into moths to form cocoons. This fabric is very elastic and hardens over time. For this reason, when discarded after 4 years, enzymes will act and biodegradation will begin. 


This plant is one of the tallest grass species  in the  world and is grown without the use of pesticides or fertilizers. Organic bamboo tissue is created when the plant is broken down by natural enzymes. Pure bamboo fabrics and fibers take about 4-6 months to biodegrade naturally. 

  ABACA : 

Abaca: A sheet fiber made from abaca leaves. The leaf stems are hand handled, peeled and shredded, then washed and dried to produce fibers. This fabric making is very durable, but it is eco-friendly as abaca starts to decompose two months after being discarded and does not harm the environment.


Ramie: Ramie fabric is made from the boehmelia nivea plant and is mainly used for sewing thread and  fishing nets due to its hard and brittle properties. It decomposes much more slowly than cotton, so it takes longer  to decompose naturally in the soil. Ramie does not cause pollution and takes longer to decompose, which is  good for the environment.


Jute: A long, soft, lustrous vegetable fiber that can be processed into strong threads. Once jute is thrown to the ground, it takes 1-4 months to fully biodegrade.


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